In another century, Anna Domino and Michel Delory working under the sobriquet SNAKEFARM, released their remarkable debut Songs From My Funeral. We’re very proud to report that the sublime follow-up My Halo At Half-Light will emerge via Fledg’ling on Monday September 26th. FLED 3086
My Halo At Half-Light continues where the previous album left off and features gorgeous, scintillating arrangements of ten classics from the American folk song tradition that bring these stories from our collective past into the sunlight of today. “Domino’s stunning vocals are the high point of this unexpected gem, a voice that is at once smoky and crisp, somber and wickedly stormy, perfectly matched to the task of bringing new and disturbing life to such overworked material.”
“In 1999, Snakefarm made the legendary album Songs From My Funeral that seemed like the future of folk music, and then they vanished off the planet. But hurrah: a new one is due in the Autumn.” Ian Anderson in the latest fRoots.
track list:
1 Little Maggie
2 Johnny
3 Staggerlee
4 Sadie
5 The Lady O
6 Omie Wise (you forget to answer)
7 Darlin’ Corey
8 Marbletown
9 The Bachelor
10 Michael
“My Halo At Half-Light truly does pick up where its predecessor left off, looking back at the catalogue of American folk song and bringing it into new modern relevance in a way that others looking to update traditions could well learn from… Let the album seep into your soul and it’s a stunning piece of work.” Chris Nickson, fRoots
“Everything here sounds ‘right’. It’s not a matter of loving either The Stanley Brothers or Massive Attack: with Snakefarm you can have both and a third musical possibility, too. Outstanding!” John Crosby, R2
Anna Domino : vocals, keyboards, acoustic and electric guitars, harmonica, knives, finger snaps
Michel Delory : acoustic, dobro and electric guitars, mandolin, banjo, bass, synth and drum programmes, percussion
Hearn Gadbois : hand percussion
Al Pahanish : drums
Sebastian Steinberg : electric bass, upright bass